I'm usually hesitant to actually wear this jacket out of my house because it's pretty special. Im aware that its a bit weird, but I tend to do that to clothes or things of any kind of sentimental value. It belonged to a British soldier or most probably a general who served sometime inbetween 1930-1950. It still has all the details of the soldier who wore it but his name! I found it last summer but only wore it for the first time to one of my halloween parties last year See here.  I can tell you that I definitely didn't show it any kind of respect whatsoever that night.

The great thing about vintage war uniforms are the stories behind them. The general who wore this jacket probably served in WW2. I know most might think its a bit funky that I'm so intrigued by this but my obsession with 90's history is my excuse. I won't even get too deep into this, but it was completely unnecessary for Britain to be a part of that war. Regardless, any man or woman who fights a war in honour of his/her country, regardless of which party is right or wrong, is a hero. 
The fact that I'm wearing something that belonged to hero, is what really gets me.

He has now probably passed on which is why his children gave his uniforms away. I can't imagine he would have given away something so special if he was still alive. Naught naughty kids.

More pictures after the jump.....

I cut about 3 inches off my hair to get it more levelled and healthier. I think I prefer it this way because I HATE weaves. I know I'll have another one on my head within a month. #blackgirlproblems.

It could've been his you know!!
Damn he fine!




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