Under Pressure

NOTE: This will apply to you regardless of your religion
Anyone been under pressure lately? I know I have, but after the pastors preaching yesterday, I feel like a lot of my burden has been lifted. We ALL have to have pressure in life. If you don't want pressure, that means you don't want anything in life. But, while pressure is needed, I don't need to tell you that too much of it can be fatal. We need to take breaks between tasks and in life so that you don't we don't end up falling apart and becoming unhappy. The devil doesn't mind Christians, he minds happy Christians because others will realise that your happiness has something to do with your relationship with God and naturally, they'll want it too. Everyone wants to be happy, so they'll look to God for it. So, taking happiness away from Christians is what the devil likes to do because people will be like "I don't want that". Falling apart is the work of the devil, so we must not let it happen. Even if you aren't a Christian, this could also apply to you. You need to balance things out. If you get tired, take a break. Chances are the end result will be much better if you do or if you don't take any breaks atall, you might not even get to the end.

More photos after the jump.

Vintage blouse and blazer, Zara shoes, YSL ring and bag, sunnies from ebay and H&M Jeans

P.S1 The wooden thing on my neck is not actually a necklace, Its for making embroideries, I went fabric shopping today, and I spotted it,and the idea popped up. Make it a necklace!! love it....
P.S2 Something I discovered via 4aces on twitter today. Its a highly inspirational video, and it will definitely lighten you up.


P.S3 Thinking about cutting my hair shorter. The only thing is I might not be able to have it up if I do. Life choices..... Life choices. sigh

P.S4 (last PS) I got an email from a reader telling me about the Cosmopolitan blog awards. I was like :o I didn't even know they did those. Anyway, as you can see I've put the nomination badge by the side. If you think I deserve it, do nominate me. You can do this by clicking on the cosmopolitan badge below or at the top right corner of this blog. It will be very much appreciated. Thanks Thanks Thanks!!
Also, you can put this on your own blog too if you want. Every one has a chance!!


                                                                                     I talk too much

                                                                                 Till next time loveliessss :)


  1. i like your blouse and neckpiece


  2. Very pretty!!! <3


  3. love your blog! just found it! your sunglasses are perfection!!

  4. you are so right, life without pressure not only is not life, but it is boring and dull ! pressure adds a little fun to the whole thing and gets the best out of people!

    alexandra @

  5. perfect outfit, loving leopard.. this outfit makes me wish for some cooler weather!



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