100, High street

My baby nephew.... He jut lost his first tooth recently. how cute is that. I still remember watching his delivery. The statement time flies is an understatement, it zooms past! A couple of days ago, little man was like 3kg, now he's loosing teeth about the place. *teardrop*

Love Love Love him to bits. As troublesome and stubborn as he may be he is the cutest little thing ever!! His pictures make me want to have a kid right now!!

I've had the cream wool vest for donkey years, but I've never had the chance to wear it until yesterday. I always thought if I did, I'd look like some ill-fitted geek. I mean I did, but so what right?! :)
I actually contemplated giving it to charity a few times. crazy right?! Cuz its sick!

As for that god forsaken white Shirt. I HATE it. I ironed it countless times!! even with steam, and water going all over my bed, it didn't budge. I curse the day it was made! :/ I've only worn it once as well. God punish it.

P.S 1. I've decided to feature 5 beautiful ladies on my blog. 
P.S 2. I've got a few outfit posts to upload. I apologize for my incompetence x_x
Last P.S I've never been so happpyyyyy!! :D hehe
Till next time lovelies... 


  1. Loving the styling of the outfit, all goes so well together..x


  2. pls where are the shoes from. love it!!!

  3. love this outfit its just amazing !!
    and awww how cute is he !!! i have a baby niece and she is sooo cute but shes also a gremling loool shes always up to no good buti love her to bits :D xoxo

  4. love the blazer, you wear it so well, also Guiseppe Zanotti shoes? Wow, total envy!

  5. Love those jeans!


  6. love the combination of the blazer pair along with those jeans and the shoes are yummy!


  7. OMG! Is perfect! Lovely blazer dear!!! (:
    And lovely shoes!!!!


  8. It is really great that you are happy!

  9. <3 <3 <3 love your style! its so original and different and you look perfect! your nephew is the cutest!!! just got myself a little niece a few day ago too!

  10. awwww how cute is your lil nephew!! And tell him congrats on his 1st non-milk teeth thats about to start growing from a loving reader lol :)

    I hate shirts like that! Irks the crap out of me...lol but just like you, I never give up on them HA!

    Xisses, Onyxsta


  11. love ur outfit as always hun,u r gorgeous and ur nephew is cute

  12. i really like this outfit!


Comments/constructive criticism are welcome! :)